Drevets' Dot Com Dot Com

How to use feelings

January 18, 2021

Lately I’ve been thinking that feelings are suggestions. Your mind matter generates them and offers them up to the front office. There, they vie for attention. The front office takes that information into consideration in doing what happens next. Some of the feelings have prepared reports with very attractive branding or even prepped a powerpoint. Others just sent up drawings on napkins.

It is impossible to obey all of the feelings. There are too many of them, and their suggestions are often totally contradictory: “You should go talk to that person.” “You absolutely should not.” “You should eat a cake.”

Without any other information, the front office is helpless to make a decision. There’s no way to measure the quality of these suggestions. Luckily, there was an all-hands retreat recently, when the brain identified some core values and corresponding strategic goals for the year and for the life. Now, there is more information.

Thus, the front office is able to consider each of the reports in light of its pre-determined goals and values, choosing a course of action that is hopefully more in line with those. There may be some pushback from some feelings that disagree, but the front office can be sure that it has already made the correct decision.

Also, I think I have just described the pscyhology behind the Pixar movie, Inside Out. So, just watch that instead of reading this blog post. Of course, you’re at the end, so you just did that. Oh well. Also, I’m sorry I made you read the word “thus.” I know no one likes it.

Wash your hands.