Drevets' Dot Com Dot Com

Living nowhere

February 08, 2021

My partner and I are the well-off childless. We are the people that the United States’ great cities cater to, and right now, we are living in Chicago.

But. We don’t really live in Chicago. I mean, we kind of do. The streets are plowed by City of Chicago snowplows. Our garbage is taken away by City of Chicago trucks (I think…). We can see downtown Chicago if we go over a bridge that goes over the river. Really, though, we live nowhere.

Especially now that it’s winter and I started a new workout program, I only go outside on the weekends. We frequent almost no establishments, with the exception of a bakery once every other other week. We are in a curious state of suspension, two people who have turned into indoor cats thanks to the pandemic, and also the fact that we enjoy being at home. But mostly the pandemic.

We live in Chicago and we live nowhere and we live in generic “city” and we live somewhere.

Wash your hands.