Drevets' Dot Com Dot Com

Sorry about that last post

August 03, 2020

Man that last blog post sucked. Sorry everyone. I know you were expecting more of me. I was expecting more of me. I’m sure I could name another person. Maybe my partner, Josh, who was expecting more. Actually, no, he probably had the right expectation.

Anyways, I’ll start getting better at blogging soon. Just you wait. In the meantime, you should try out random URLs for this website and see if any hidden pages come up! See, following what I write will be fun. You never know what I might say to excuse the fact that I’m not writing.

But as a teaser, here are some things that I want to cover in an amateur fashion: CBT, pyschology of animals (cats), different things that can be hand-blended, why you don’t need to wash water bottles (ever), and different pieces of furniture that you can sit on outside. Also, race relations in the US.

And maybe I’ll do something where I write a one sentence a day for a story, and then after a while, we’ll have a lot of sentences that don’t make sense and a story that is ill-formed.

I’ll do that at the end of this post.

Back in 2012, I had a blog, and it was fun, just like this. Kind of free form writing. I developed a small cadre of mostly middled-aged male followers who connected with me on LinkedIn. Of course, that form of writing is frequently hated passionately. But that won’t stop me and my ideas, which are hopefully slightly less problematic than they used to be.

Alright we’ve reached the end of the post. It’s just one small step towards creating my media empire. For your treat, the first sentence of the ill-formed, titleless story of perpetual length.

1: Water bottles were never meant to be cleaned.

Wash your hands.