Drevets' Dot Com Dot Com

Thoughts on thoughts

April 30, 2021

Thoughts are like sparks flying up from a fire. They are bright for a moment and dazzle the eye, and then they cool and turn into ash and…

Screaming at the fire

April 27, 2021

Screaming at the fire does not put it out. Talking about the fire does not put it out. Making a plan to put out the fire does not put it out…

Thoughts brew

April 21, 2021

My brain is a bubbling cauldron full of thoughts. It is always bubbling, always getting information from my surroundings, constantly sending…

What is work?

April 21, 2021

What is work, and is it good for me? These are great questions. I pat myself on the back for asking them, like I asked my 7th grade science…

Work sucks

April 20, 2021

Work sucks. It really does. I don’t just mean the work that I do. I mean capital W “work,” the concept of selling labor to a corporation at…

Furora Fabula Absentosum

April 19, 2021

furora fabula absentosum is the latin term for the feeling of being angry at someone who isn’t there and having little arguments in your…

Diary entry of a thought

April 16, 2021

Dear diary, Do you ever wonder where I came from? Why am I even here? What does my existence mean? What if I smash my head into the desk…

Taking vitamin D to be happier and healthier

April 15, 2021

Each day, after breakfast, my partner and I eat a vitamin D gummy. We are doing this to be happier and healthier. We do not actually know if…

Starting again, after the vaccine

April 14, 2021

It takes 14 days to achieve a pretty good level of immunization after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. For my partner and I, that…

Thoughts on the eve of getting the vaccine

April 09, 2021

Tomorrow. Tomorrow on April 10th, 2021, my partner and I are going to get one of the three widely available vaccinations for COVID-19. It…

What does it mean to want coffee in the evening, for the morning

April 07, 2021

What does it mean, standing in the kitchen at night, thinking about the self standing in the kitchen the following morning, to want that…

Upton Sinclair Was So Right and So Wrong

April 06, 2021

Have you heard of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair? Of course you have, everyone has heard of it. Have you read it? Recently? Probably not. Why…

Getting the vaccine

April 05, 2021

I want to get the vaccine. It seems like all of my friends are getting it. How? Buncha different ways. One of them woke up at 3am in the…

The Fable of the Ears

April 01, 2021

Once upon a time there were two ears sitting on a park bench. One ear said to the other, “Listen! Can you hear that? It’s an ice cream truck…

My physical therapist is a hippo

March 31, 2021

My physical therapist is a hippo. We do our sessions by the river. I let her know that I’m there by writing my name onto a river rock with a…

Not meant to live like this

March 30, 2021

We weren’t meant to live like this! Trapped in our domiciles, socializing with screens. I am a 3-D person, in a 3-D world. I need a 3-D…

Mary Berry

March 29, 2021

Mary Berry, Mary Berry, the grandmother I never had. Lady grandmother. Blazer-wearing grandmother. Grandmother looking for an even…

High Knees

March 26, 2021

Way up in the tower, someone is doing high knees. High knees. It is an exercise in which one raises, in turn, each knee. It is performed at…

Maybe I should write a technical blog post

March 25, 2021

Maybe I should write a technical blog post. I am a software engineer, after all. I do the things that constitute software engineering. You…

Things I have learned in my old age

March 24, 2021

I am old now, compared to how young I used to be. I often remark to myself, now, “wow, I’m not as young as I used to be, and I used to be so…

The benefit of repetition

March 23, 2021

I used to think it a grave error to tell someone a story they already knew, or for an author to repeat themselves in different words on the…

Can't speed up time

March 22, 2021

Let’s say, for fun, that you have an infection in your toenails that turns them sparkly blue. You would really prefer them to be a different…

The more you fart

March 19, 2021

Perhaps you know the refrain: “Beans, beans the magical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot, the more you toot, the better you feel…

Test data diary

March 18, 2021

Sometimes when I’m feeling more creative, I’ll try to make up more “fun” test data when I’m working on our app locally. For example, using…

Life is about getting back up

March 17, 2021

I got a hip injury over a year ago when I fell off of a wall that I was climbing on. (I was at a bouldering gym). My hip still hurts from it…

Is it plugged in

March 16, 2021

When something is not working as expected in your code, it is always worthwhile to double check to make sure it is plugged in. Is the code…

The point of the audience series

March 15, 2021

Of course all this talk about audiences and profiles is really about me wondering if I should get back on social media. I’m still “on” it in…

Finding the audience

March 12, 2021

Not every performance will resonate with every audience. Obviously. If a performance flops, it doesn’t necessarily mean the content is bad…

Career growth

March 11, 2021

The crying means it's working.

The audience of today

March 10, 2021

Picture a time before social media. When you see a performer on a stage, you know when they are performing. They are on the stage. That is…

Why perform?

March 09, 2021

So why perform at all? Why bother to share your art and inner life with other people? Well, people who like performing find it very fun. It…

Resenting the audience

March 08, 2021

Sometimes, the performer may grow to resent the audience and the control she feels the audience puts on her. The audience couldn’t truly…

Different audiences

March 05, 2021

The audience does not change the performer. The audience changes the performance. The performer may choose, given different audiences, to…

The audience and the performer

March 04, 2021

The performer must do what the audience wants, but she cannot do exactly what the audience wants. She must comfort the audience with the…

What an audience does

March 03, 2021

The audience creates the performance. Without an audience, a performer is just having a conversation with themselves. That, of course, can…

So do all who live to see such times

March 02, 2021

“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is…

What it is like to write a song

March 01, 2021

First you tell yourself that you should not try to write a song. It is going to be horrible, after all. And there’s all of that everything…

The value of stating the obvious

February 23, 2021

The value in stating the obvious is that sometimes you find out that it was not obvious. I think of the obvious as a sphere that is wholly…

The emotions of programming

February 19, 2021

a story in pictures

Finding an old browser window full of tabs

February 18, 2021

One day you find it, after swiping up on your Macbook with four fingers to see all of your open applications. It’s an old Chrome window—from…

It will never be right

February 17, 2021

As you examine this thing, contemplate the idea that things are not OK, that they will never be OK, and that you will never get some of the…

Maximizers and minimizers

February 16, 2021

My partner and I come from two different crops of people. He comes from a nest of maximizers, and I from one of minimizers. Maximizers…

Everyone is taking the pandemic seriously

February 15, 2021

Accompanying the deadly pandemic, at least in the US, has been another pathogen with an equally powerful potential to poison the populace…

There is no clean and there is no dirty

February 12, 2021

Clean and dirty, in terms of home cleanliness, do not actually exist. They are terms that refer to a very specific, and individual rubrics…

The hardest part of the workout is The Workout

February 11, 2021

In every workout, there is some part of the workout that is the hardest, or most dreaded. Even in a very difficult workout, I can determine…

I would rather do anything aside from what I want to do

February 10, 2021

Given 10 minutes and the chance to make progress on something I truly care about and want to do, I would rather not. I would rather sit and…

A zen poem

February 09, 2021

yanking open the plastic blinds I find something inspiring about joggers This poem inspired by this one: coming along the mountain path I…

Living nowhere

February 08, 2021

My partner and I are the well-off childless. We are the people that the United States’ great cities cater to, and right now, we are living…

The law of time

February 05, 2021

Each day will pass in its turn. It will pass no more slowly, and no more quickly, than all the other days. On Monday, Saturday is five days…

What follows obsession

February 04, 2021

What usually follows obsession is disinterest, or, rather, a lack of obsession. This is because obsession indicates a higher-than-normal…

The pigeon and the poisson

February 03, 2021

Imagine this: you are in New York City, at one of its most famous French restaurants. It is a warm July evening, and you are sitting out on…

People are not interchangeable, part 2

February 02, 2021

Occasionally I find myself wishing that I were “talking to more people,” or “had more friends,” or was “in a community.” All of these…

People are not interchangeable

February 01, 2021

A while ago I blogged a few blogs about Jane Jacobs’ book The Death and Life of Great American Cities. One of the key points she made in the…

Does the small stuff matter?

January 29, 2021

Do the little things matter? If it’s just something small, should I be concerned with it? But what if it only happens once—is that a big…

Anthropomorphizing linters

January 28, 2021

I have noticed a habit that I think is interesting. When the linter shows that there is an error, or is warning me about something, it is…

Names are abstractions

January 27, 2021

I like to work out. This has not always been the case, but it is the case now and has been for the past several years. In particular, I like…

How to deal with a small insomnia

January 26, 2021

If you should wake up at 5:15 because building management is plowing the sidewalks after getting six inches of snow, and is doing something…

My succulents were dying

January 25, 2021

In a previous post, I wondered out loud, in writing, whether my succulents were dying. I have confirmed that they are. I discovered this…

Welcome to the world

January 22, 2021

Last night I became an aunt, which is to say, my sister had a baby. His name is Jonah, and he was born on January 21st, 2021. There’s a lot…

The evil of convenience

January 21, 2021

I was listening to a podcast about Octavia Butler’s Parable series, and one of the hosts mentioned, I think, the phrase “evil of convenience…

An explanation of my last post

January 20, 2021

A todo list is the sum of its parts.

How to get set up for a good remote meeting

January 19, 2021

Prepare or die from boredom and distraction.

How to use feelings

January 18, 2021

Feelings are suggestions.

Catchy thoughts

January 17, 2021

Thoughts on thoughts.

I don't know if my succulents are dying

January 16, 2021

They still look pretty good though.

When your head catches fire

January 15, 2021

Do not ignore the flames.

The importance of keeping your head

January 14, 2021

You need it.

How to make your problems worse: Lessons from traffic planning in NYC

January 12, 2021

The consequences of paving for problems

The Death and Life of Great American Cities

January 11, 2021

An excellent treatise on cities by Jane Jacobs

Little Amusingnesses, Vol 1

September 22, 2020

Only the smallest things that make me happy

Musings, Vol 3

September 21, 2020

Featuring only the latest musings

A little every day

September 16, 2020

A little something I've been thinking about

Stream of musingness, vol 1

September 15, 2020

Join me in the stream of muse

The most dangerous games that I play

September 10, 2020

These could cause permanent damage

How to be a loser

September 09, 2020

It's not hard if you don't try.

Musings, Vol 2

September 08, 2020

Do not snooze on these muse(ings)

Self help alchemists and what they get wrong

September 07, 2020

In which I talk about why self-help thought leadership is so annoying, and also some useful takeaways

Making plans

September 02, 2020

In which I describe how we make dinner plans with a friend

Taking out the trash

August 31, 2020

In which I describe how we take out the trash

A poem for The Killers

August 30, 2020

Can you read my mind?

The one in which I remember as many bird sounds as I can

August 29, 2020

Can you guess what they are?

Fun weekend plans for a pandemic

August 28, 2020

If you're going to have a breakdown, do it earlier Saturday morning.

Welcome to the future

August 27, 2020

We have lots of nice things. Even internet, sometimes.

All thinking is conspiracy thinking, vol. 1

August 26, 2020

You're not better than them.

Executive summary of the official investigation into FooBar project of BazQuux Corp.

August 25, 2020

It was found that a significant portion of the team's engineers were cats.

How to make yourself miserable, vol 2

August 24, 2020

Demand only the best from yourself. If you don't think you'll be able to deliver, don't even try.

I will bookmark you

August 23, 2020

When the day is dying and all is lost, I'll bookmark you.

How to make yourself miserable: Magnify the effort, ignore the reward

August 22, 2020

It's going to be so much work to go outside. And then what? I'll enjoy the nice day? No thanks.

Musings on intellectual property, vol 1

August 21, 2020

This blog post is copyrighted.

A Brief Post

August 20, 2020

This will not take long.

Musings, Vol 1

August 19, 2020

I am a not a lion. Read me muse.

JavaScript and coffee

August 18, 2020

You cannot drink JavaScript.

Comparing apples and oranges

August 17, 2020

Do not make pie with oranges.

My accountability partner made me do it

August 04, 2020

He shares the blame of what I hath wrought.

Sorry about that last post

August 03, 2020

I'm still not good at blogging, but I love talking about it

Where was I?

June 12, 2020

My neighbor was crying and I was asleep.

Why is this all here?

June 11, 2020

Up your professional bloggers. I'm here for fun.

How to talk to your cat about weight gain

June 03, 2020

An approach for broaching a difficult subject

Some thoughts on turning 30

August 10, 2019

I have now turned 30 and have feelings about it. Enjoy my musings.

Wash your hands.